Thursday, August 4, 2011

It was nice teaching outside again this week. Hopefully the rain holds off long enough that I can do lessons outside tonight too, as I have no intention of building a course if we have to ride inside tonight I think we will just to lots of no stirrup work...and to make it fair to Joan, she can also ride backwards.

I see the forecast is for rain all weekend. I hope that changes otherwise I may actually have to clean house...and only a silly person cleans their house in the summer!

Starting to think about the fall riding schedule; I realize that with some of you growing up, and doing things like getting jobs or going to university, that you may not be able to make it out as early in the day, so you will have to let me know your fall riding time preferences.

I am likely going to take a week off teaching at some point this fall; either the week you all go back to school, or the week after the last horse show (Harvest). The horses will likely get that week off too, as I think they deserve time off that isn't weather or soundness related.


1 comment:

Joan said...

Bring on the backwards, stirrup free riding! I love challenges. I'll jump too, if it's smallish.