Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Still cold....

The 20 km/hour winds today are nice. Fortunately the horses are happy to make use of their shelters, and the sun is shining.

It is easy to say it is again too cold to teach today; it is too cold to ride an outside horse if you go outside and it hurts to breath...

They seem to keep pushing back just when this weather is going to break. It looks like it may be sucky out until Saturday now.

The horses are doing ok and are enjoying the extra hay, and not having to walk around on ice.

Charlie is suffering from petting withdrawal, but fortunately Rolo got stuck out there before the cold came, and is smart enough to just stay put.

I set some dog suitable jumps in the barn for Jetta and Ginger yesterday, and of course the cats decided that the jumps were the most suitable place to it isn't just for the horses that they do this. Fortunately dogs have no trouble jumping over or onto cats, so maybe the dogs will make the cats realize jumps are not safe.


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