Monday, January 2, 2012

New dog rules....

So jetta is doing pretty well as our new barn dog, but she does have some habits that require consideration.
1) She is a chow hound. Do not feed her. Do not leave food at doggy level. Plastic bags do not deter her. Fortunately she seems smart enough to not steal directly from horses.
2) She needs to be kept in the barn if unattended. You are welcome to take her for walks on her leash, but she isn't ready to be out on her own as she likes to visit neighbourhood dogs.
3) She likes cars and whatever they may contain. Please try to not run her over.
4) She likes the cats, and to entertain her cat friends I sometimes leave a leash on her in the barn. it is fun and is helping Charlie and Rolo loose weight.

Margie brought her giant Mastiff out to play on Sunday; Jetta was not at all deterred by new dog's giantness and proceeded to try to jump over him and body slam him...giant dog didn't even flinch. Giant dog played a game of tug of war with Ginger and let her not loose even though he could have easily have tossed her over his shoulder.

Any other hyper big dogs want to come and wear are new crazy dog out?


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