Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shelley Clinic #2

I am planning to have Shelley back for an other clinic. The dates I have available are either Feb 25-26, or March 3-4. Please let me know if you are interested in attending, and if one weekend works better than the other.

This time I am going to schedule it so the clinic starts after Saturday lessons and goes until dinner time. Not only does this allow Saturday riders to still have their regular lessons, but also means that inside boarded horses can go later in the day and so go back into their stalls when done. On Sunday the clinic would go from 8:00 am -2:30 pm or so.

Rates will be the same as last time. I am going to come up with a 3rd rate for people who wish to do a semi-private on Saturday and then a private on the Sunday as I think this is a good format to maximize learning while saving a little money.

Let me know if you are interested!


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