Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I got my flu shot today. Free with no real wait time at my Drs office. The key to not getting a stiff arm (in my opinion) is to get the shot in your dominant arm; you use it more, so better circulation, so less chance of stiffness.

I decided to get the shot this year after talking to me mom. For 18 MONTHS, after my dad was diagnosed, neither of them got sick. Not so much as a cold. Getting the flu shot was one of the things they did, as was being careful about washing their hands. They still went out to dinner, went on the airplane to conferences and so on...and managed 18 months without so much as a sniffle.

I doubt I can be quite that careful, so I have already stocked the house and barn with lotion Kleenex. It really is hard to go back to using "plain" tissues now that I know there is something better out there.

I noticed the flu shots were available while at the Drs to get me medication adjusted...anyone who has been out in the last week may have noticed I am a little out of it; I just cannot stay awake and have been downing caffeine to make up for it, which then leads to Migraines...and as Janine said, a drunk on caffeine is still a drunk; just a really alert one.

Hopefully I can find a better balance between being awake and gibbled, and being half asleep but more or less physically functional.

Until then, try to make sense of my gibberish, and feel free to bring out coffee and chocolates to share....but no cold or flu germs!


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