Monday, October 24, 2011

How do those arms feel today Debbie?

MANY thanks to Debbie who gave up her entire afternoon yesterday to help Rob and I make some upgrades at the barn. See if you notice the changes! Rob wanted to do more, but I was pretty much beat by 4:30, so we had to leave it at that, and the scissor lift leaves today.

Also something new to notice today, is that Wyneke's new horse, "Spencer" is due to arrive this afternoon! He is very cute, but I have a feeling is going to be a bit of a prankster will be interesting. He is going to be in the wood pen while in Isolation and then I will put him in with Gody. They both could stand to loose some weight, with Spencer looking a tad like the round bale that was in his paddock...

Gody was all pacey on Saturday after the close encounter with the Moose (apparently to horses, 500 feet is a close encounter with a moose...), so I put Rocky in to keep him company. Poor Rocky! Gody is keeping him on his toes...which I suppose will keep him fit enough for Christine to ride for a few more weeks until he gets too hairy.

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