Sunday, July 17, 2011


finally Rob and I got out in the Canoe. Ok, so not to Elk Island or a river...but our dugout. We figured it was a good way to test Ginger out in the canoe and it let us put out a little solar powered mini-fountain.

I saw a few flashes of gold fish, so that was a relief, but then Rob and I saw something else in the water; too big and brown looking to be our Gold Fish. We finally managed to catch one, and Rob identified it as a Salamander! Apparently our dug out has plenty of the creatures. Not sure where they came from, but kind of neat to see. I am thinking all the things we saw before and thought they were tadpoles were really Salamanders.

Ginger was pretty good in the boat, and nobody ended up in the water!



Michelle said...

I am inviting myself for a visit...catching a salamander would time-travel me right back to when I was 12 at summer camp. Have you seen any yet with neck frills? They look like dragons!

Want to go for a ride the week of the 27/28? I am sort of planning to hit the Vermilion show in there, as well as try to get Warrior shod and then head to the mountains. We could go to Blackfoot or something?

Hillside Stable said...

If I have a sane horse to ride (I may by then) then a ride at Blackfoot would be fun!

The Salamander we found still had sticky out gills; according to the one website I read, some kinds loose them as they mature and I think the one we saw was a young one.

Bring a dip net and go crazy Salamander catching!

Michelle said...

Whee! I'm trying to book a time with Derek for Warrior that week, I'll let you know when it is finalized. We're planning to do the ATRA ride in Yaha Tinda so he needs his shoes back.

I can haul the horses to the trails, I've never been to them. I'm sure something will be sane by then! If not, bring Rocket!

Hillside Stable said...

Rocket would not like that. He is mosquito crazy to the point we can hardly ride him outside even in the sand ring! The poor guy..but Zander might enjoy a ride out!

Michelle said...

OMG, Zander and Warrior would make GREAT pictures. We need to find someone to come with us. I'll be down on Wednesday, would be good for a ride on the Thursday. I'll give you a call that morning and hopefully we both wake up with sound horses and no pressing demands on our time for a few hours!

Hillside Stable said...

I just remembered Thursday is not so good for me :( I teach until noon, and then need to haul Clare to the Amberlea show, and then teach again at night.

of course if this rain doesn't stop there won't be much for trails anyway....