Friday, July 22, 2011

It rained all night. It is still raining now. There as a raging white water torrent of water draining across the parking lot this morning; poor Ginger was unsure if it was safe to cross. The dug out has completely jumped the banks and there is now a creek of water draining from it; hopefully the grass and weeds keep the gold fish and water plants from getting out.

The mares in the front feild didn't even bother to come out of their shelter when they heard me feeding; I even fed them under the trees so they could stay semi dry.

Dexter and posse are likely the only ones appreciating the weather; it means they can go out back and graze without being eaten by mosquitos.

With all the technology out there, why can't they sent some of this rain to some of the many places suffering from drought? Although i suppose a God like power like that would be scary too.

If you come to the barn tonight or tomorrow and can't find it...just look downstream.


1 comment:

Barb Rose said...

I hear your pain! Seems it's one day of decent weather with wind enough for no mosquitoes then a week of rain and/or ravenous mosquitoes ! I suspect with this round of rain we can expect at least another couple weeks of hungry mosquitoes!!