Friday, April 8, 2011

New Hire!

If your wondering what the pathetic whining sound is coming from Coregel's stall, it is our new hire, Charlie. Charlie quit his position of being farm cat for Nicole and Laureen as he wanted a more indoor job with more human interaction. At Hillside, Charlie is in charge of improving moral, general security, and rodent patrol. Ginger has appointed herself his supervisor.

He will be living in Coregel's stall for about 2 weeks so that he accepts that this is where he gets fed, and so that he feels safe around the new smells and sounds. He is a very friendly cat, who loves to chat, so feel free to go in and pet him, just be very careful he does not get out of the barn!

I let him out today while I cleaned stalls so that he could check things out; he likes the pile of winter blankets in the blanket stall, but did venture to check out the barn a little. He managed to get a strip of dirt right down his back; perhaps he was trying to look like a skunk so I would set him free?

Ginger seems disappointed that he does not find her fearsome.


1 comment:

Laureen said...

Haha! That is too cute! Glad he's getting to know the place a bit. He's been around Sonny since he was 8 weeks old, so Ginger is probably a nice change for him!!