Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Charlie has a friend!

New barn kitty Charlie is really fitting in well to barn life; he has already taken care of the resident mice, and entertains me with his little kitty foot prints all over the arena. Maybe I will let Charlie design the jumping course one week... His main icky habit is that he rubs on the Mule when I park it in the barn at night...after driving through mud and makes him pleasant to touch. He did make the potential mistake of rubbing on Flair's legs while I was working her tonight...fortunately horses seem oddly tolerant of cats, and there was no tragedy!

When I came out of the arena to untack Flair, there was Rolo cat sitting in the barn looking for Charlie! It was the first time I saw Rolo willingly come fully into the barn. Later I saw him and Charlie outside together seeming to get along, so hopefully they will be friends and Rolo will share his time between the barn and the house...and not that Charlie will also want to be a house cat (our furniture is not water proof, and that can DROOLS!).

Ginger seems to like Charlie, and was chaperoning the meeting between the two cats. Poor ginger has been limping a bit, but I notice the limp seems to get worse when someone new comes, and then better when she is jumping on and off the furniture...Ginger is not stupid. I am sure she will be three legged lame when Rob gets home tomorrow.


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