Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I used to like the "Fall Back" daylight savings time...but my brain is so used to getting up at the same time everyday, that it just means I am up an hour earlier and so have that hour less of sleep! Maybe I need to live in Saskatchewan where daylights savings time never changes.

Is anyone going to the rodeo? Rob and I went to Farm Fair on the weekend. It isn't like it used to be; not nearly the farming stuff, and no big equipment. Must have been too expensive to rent the space needed. This year there is one room for kid orientated stuff (including a "what we get from horses section that shocked me...do kids really want to hear that horses are used to make violin strings and are eaten in France?). There did seem to be a lot of kids in there learning how to grow herbs, and rope a fake cow...or clean a stall.

The next room was "Buy Local" where local producers sold a variety of things. We spent a fair bit in that room! Lots of samples and really good stuff. The silly berry man didn't bring any berries to sell though...he didn't think anyone would want to cart around 10lbs of frozen berries....as I stood there with a 10 lbs box of other stuff.

Then there was the main trade show stuff. Stopped at the orthodics booth, but $399 for a shoe insert? I am too cheap for that...plus not sure of the theory comparing the ball of my foot to a horse's frog, leading to the theory that more pressure on the ball of my foot would help me overall. We did by a fancy shower head though. And a book. Tried on winter muck boots, and looked at fancy horse trailers.

Might not be a bad place to do some Christmas shopping I suppose.

We also looked at all the cute little Quarter Horses getting ready for the sale. There were some cuties! Small though...but obviously well fed and groomed. Rob and I were looking at one sad looking yearling whose stall was wet as he had tipped his water over...so as we are standing there looking at him, his owner comes over and says "tipped his water over again? Dumb ass"

Yes...that is how you sell a horse.

I wonder what the prices were?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this the sale you were wondering about prices? http://www.northernhorse.com/blog/index.php/2010/11/12/results-of-the-aqhbg-fall-sale/ It's only a small sample, but I happened to come across it today.
