Friday, November 12, 2010

2011 already?

Amberlea already has their 2011 show schedule up!



M said...

Warrior wants you to know that he prefers being an arena horse. Any time he made you think that he had a less-than-adequate work ethic, he is very, very sorry for. SCARY OUTSIDE TRAIL RIDE TODAY!

He was a very good boy, but seemed very scandalized that we were going to be staying OUTSIDE in the SNOW :D

-Michelle and Warrior

Hillside Stable said...

Glad there was an 100% survival rate at least! Poor warrior had just gotten used to the life of a pampered show horse...then he is hit with the Fort Mac reality check! He probable didn't get handfuls of cookies and show sheen in his tail either...I hope you are able to have some nice days to ride out with him and that you can just have some fun riding your new horse for a while.

Mich said...

He DID get a handful of cookies though. One of the many things he learned in training. Cookies will NOT kill chestnut horses!