Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Games make learning fun, and work less boring. I try to think of games or other fun ways to train the horses or to keep riding interesting so I don't get stale and the horses don't get bored with a winter in the indoor arena. Today's game for Tango was a new invention that I shall call "Flair Attack". The game involved turning Flair loose in the arena while I ride Tango. Tango and Flair are friends, and as Flair can't go outside for a while, it is a good opportunity to get her out of her stall yet under supervision.

Phase one of the game involves riding Tango while Flair tried to cut us off, or stops dead on the track because something catches her attention. What is really interesting is how much faster Flair can trot vs Tango!

Phase two of the game is tricky...once Flair tires of cutting us off, I have to be on the watch for her attempting to roll...she is not allowed to roll until her eye is more healed, but the tube going into her eye is getting itchy, so she really wants to roll...so at the first site of her going down to roll, Tango and I have to race over to distract and discourage her...at which point she swishes her tail at us to show her displeasure. Tango is better at racing away rather than towards something...so this is a good game to get her more alert and ready to go.

Perhaps all dressage riders should ride with a loose horse in the arena...there would be a lot less staring down or at the back of their horse's head if that was the case!

For non-barn/horse entertainment to fight my brain turning to mush over winter is :http://www.lumosity.com Very addictive. I like the word games. The Penguin game is painful for me...I am NOT good at it and my poor penguin keeps finding himself being rammed head first into the walls....

Have fun this winter!


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