Friday, August 23, 2013

Next Saturday...

Mark the 31st on you Calendar! We are hoping for good weather so we can have a Hillside Bar-B-Q, photo day and soccer game! Bring your own cameras, and we will use the best to make a Hillside Year Book! Family is welcome to attend!

Normally Hillside provides the beverages, but if we are doing a Bar-B-Q, perhaps this year we will provide burgers instead? Although be forewarned they may be weird non-beef burgers...

We would appreciate some idea of how many guests to expect, so let me know if you are able to attend!

Also let me know if you want to ride in the soccer game :) I am thinking teams of 2 or 3, so we will see how many teams we can get together. I am thinking we may draw for teams to make it more fair.

Planning on starting around noon. Lessons will go as scheduled from 9:30-11:30. Help taking jumps down would be appreciated.


1 comment:

Squeaksmom said...

I have to work... hope everyone has fun! :(