Monday, October 29, 2012

Snow! White and flakey snow!

Although I am aware most of you commuters are likely cursing the stuff, I love how white and crisp this dusting of flakes has given the farm! It makes night chores much easier with it being so much brighter out! Also no mud!

Kitten is not impressed by both the cold stuff on the ground, and the fact the barn doors are kept closed. Charlie is also already going a little crazy from being confined to the be on the watch when riding!

This week in lessons, we will be continuing to work on looking and using the eyes and upper body appropriately to prepare our horse for an upcoming turn or obstacle. This time instead of pylons though, I think there will be jumps. Tricky jumps. Riders who felt benefit from having their stirrups tied can once again enjoy the assistance that bondage can bring. Limiting the range of motion available to your feet has two main benefits; it keeps your body more stable, and it forces riders to be more insistent  that their horse listens to correct and subtle aids.

I would also like to remind boarders that this Wednesday is the end of the month, so board is due! If you haven't already paid me the $20 for deworming please do. The fall is a tricky month as we tend to stock up on hay and shavings for the winter, so we would really appreciate prompt payment (as always!).

Finally, I want to remind riders of the TTeam clinic coming up on Dec 1 and 2. There are riding and non riding spots still available. If the clinic is not filled internally by November 10, I will be opening it up to outside riders/haul ins, so if you are planning to attend, please don't wait until the last minute to let me know!


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