Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cadora Test learning help

For those showing this weekend, I have posted Izzy and I doing both Cadora tests. Sorry that we leave the frame from time to time, but my videographer (aka the fence post) had trouble following me or zooming in. I figure it is the judges video if the judge's neck is in a neck brace. Note that I do the stretch circle in test C twice as she stalls into the walk the first time and I wanted to redo.


Also pictures of leg yields taken by the fence post:

Not ideal, but enough to show the following:
1) Clear crossing of the legs (fronts in the first two, hinds in the last photo)
2) Slight flexion away from the direction of travel, but a relatively straight neck. Flexion refers to the jaw, bend (which you don't want in a leg yield, refers to the neck and spine)
3) Shoulders slightly leading compared to haunches.

Faults: Should be slightly more flexed right in the second photos (leg yield right). Head slightly tilted in bottom photo. (nose should be directly below her forehead)


mnaef said...

i like izzy! you should come to the fultonvale show on June 23!

Hillside Stable said...

That is the same day as lara's show, so likely doing that. But not with Izzy...