Monday, April 23, 2012

Apparently I need to pay attention to the news...

I am usually in bed or out teaching when the news comes on...not to mention how depressing evening news I had NO clue we were also supposed to vote for up to 3 possible Senate representatives. So I opted to decline to vote for that, and just voted for my local MLA.

Where were the road signs saying "vote me for Senate"?

I wonder how much those little road signs actually affect the vote. Fenske certainly marked her territory around the Brookville polling station with a dozen or so the theory that people think more signs = more popular? I can only see that being logical if the signs are on various yards not all in a clutter. Or maybe the repetition of signs sinks into the subconscious so when you get there you recognize some names more than others.

Either way, if I was given the power to do so, I would ban the things. Not only are they ugly, non-informative, litter, and a definite distraction, I don't like that people may vote just based on the number of signs they see, or who is displaying them. I also think it must be horribly depressing to be the one to take the loosing ones down the next day.

I would also hand stamp people who vote...maybe this would increase the number of people who actually vote, vs the ones that just say they did. Peer pressure can be a positive!


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