Monday, March 26, 2012

this week in lessons

Hopefully the weather doesn't get as bad as last Thursday and you guys are actually able to make it out to ride safely. Most of that dump of snow seems to be gone, so of course we need wouldn't be spring without MUD!

This week in jumping lessons we are going to work on adjusting strides between jumps and lead changes (flying or simple depending on your horse and level of experience).

For flat work we are going to work on developing a better leg position with stretching exercises, and using our legs more effectively to shape the horse and set up for picking up the correct canter, or doing things like shoulder In/fore. Sometimes when the horses are being lazy riders exaggerate their outside leg back to the point they end up tipping forward which negates the entire thing. Instead you need to be confident in your aids, and correct the horse by either going back to an easier exercise (such as turn on the forehand) or using a crop to remind the horse to listen to the leg behind the girth.

It is important the leg hangs from the hips and that the thighs are resting evenly along the saddle; if your toes get turned out too much, the knee is turned out, and the thigh will no longer lay flat and will be pinchy.

If the knee gets pinchy, then you will be blocking the horse's shoulder and they may get "lazy" as you are giving them mixed signals. Pinching with the knee is also an ineffective way to stay on as your knee will start creeping higher and higher and higher!

You want the entire leg stretched long and down....thing of your feet as being the anchor that keeps you stable!

You also want your leg to be independent of your seat; you should be able to reach forward and back without your leg moving; your upper body movement needs to be intercepted and absorbed by your core!


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