Monday, May 23, 2011

Westwood Warmblood Dressage Daze

Laureen (with Shawn), Tamara (with Tango) and I (with Pony) had a great show yesterday at Westwood Warmbloods. The show was very well run, and went quite smoothly. They even had a volunteer show Steward there which was nice; gets us in a habit of doing things correctly.

We all did Training Level test 2 and First Level test 1.

Shawn seemed quite shocked and dismayed when he unloaded from the trailer to realize he had no idea where he was. To make matters worse he was put about as far from any other horses as he could be when we got there (Tango and Pony were side by side) and he was not impressed. Some hay and the arrival of a neighbour helped to calm his nerves, but he did have a bit of a deer in the headlights look for his first test! I had forgotten that Shawn really hasn't been out much.

Tango started the day letting us know she was VERY in heat and was rather pleasant...other than the peeing and the calling to Pony.

Pony thought it was all quite exciting and enjoyed the carrots that would randomly come her way. I have discovered she is not a fan of goats. Note to self; keep her from seeing them next time! Apparently seeing me on Pony is a source of entertainment for some, but she definitely showed she belongs in the dressage ring with scores over 65% in both tests!

The horses and riders all did very well, with respectable scores. Nobody went off test or had a major flaw, and Tango refrained from peeing during her time in the ring. Tango came home with a first and a second, Shawn with a second and a third, and Pony with two firsts.

It rained a bit on our way home, but we couldn't really have asked for better weather for a horse show in May. I look forward to their June show!


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