Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Do you ever feel like you spend too much of your life waiting?

When you are a kid you are waiting for Christmas, your Birthday, Summer Vacation, to be able to Drive, to have your own car, to date, to graduate.

Then you get older and you are waiting to move out, get a real job, get some time off, save up for a better car, get married, get a better paying job, save money.

Time moves on and you are waiting for summer, vacation days, your kids to move out, retirement.

Less fortunate people have their lives on hold waiting to see specialists or for an organ donation to become available (reminder to sign your organ donor card!).

And there are the day to day waits; waiting at the doctor's office, waiting for the weekend to get here, waiting for the work day to be over, waiting for the farrier to show up (or is that just my day?).

As horse riders we spend time waiting to get our own horse, waiting to get a better horse, waiting to be able to ride outside, waiting for show season.

I wonder how much life is wasted waiting?

Right now I am waiting for this stupid wind to die down.


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