Monday, May 9, 2011

This week in lessons

This week in lessons advanced lessons will be doing their flat work outside (weather permitting of course!). I want to get them used to being in the larger outdoor ring a bit on the flat before we start jumping out there! So if the weather is nice, all Monday and Thursday lessons should plan on being outside for flat work. Tuesday 5:30 lessons and possibly Wednesday 7:00 lessons will also hack outside.

We will be continuing to work on counter bending, and will be doing some counter bend at the canter. The most important thing to remember for the counter bend, is that you are bringing the horse's nose to the outside of the circle, and not that you are pushing the shoulder to the inside. Repeat to yourself; "indirect reins are hands should never cross the neck... reins do not control the shoulders".

This is building towards work on counter canter for advanced students... which is not to be confused with being on the wrong lead :)

Our course designer for the week is Christine!


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