Monday, January 3, 2011

Brief update

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas break and is ready for 2011!

My neck is getting better, but my head is still a little fuzzy and I have trouble focusing for long periods. Ginger thinks I am defective and no fun....the cats think I am perfect as I have more time for them! Sad that it took a kick to the head to get a week more or less off! Poor Rob had to scrap his plans for his break though and was stuck keeping an eye on me and helping me with the horses.

Our stray cat (Rolo) has decided that I am not so much of a threat, and more of a lackey that can't be trusted. He now sits in the hay shed or under the grainery and meows at me to remind me that his stomach would like some kibble. Still won't stick around long enough to be touched, but doesn't run out of sight either. He seems to understand that humans are pathetic and can't climb very well.


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