Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This week in lessons

It looks like an other annoying weather week meaning I have to have jumps set both inside and out....hopefully not though! Really enjoying the sun today and yesterday. For fun I decided to put Izzy over a few of the jumps...I have jumped her in the past over ankle high jumps, but this was her first time over something higher than her knees. She definitely has a unique jumping style: head down, body way up and over! Not sure what her knees where doing, but it didn't feel all that pretty. Still, likely good for her fitness and to help her work off her big belly.

This week in lessons we are going to work on diagonal jumps. How to find the proper approach in order to get the horse to the jump straight/perpendicular. We will also be doing a two stride combination if we are outside. Assessing which lead you are on will also continue to be a priority.

The easiest way I find to feel or even see the leads, is just to focus on the order of the footfalls. When a horse is on the left lead, they go right hind, diagonal pair, left front. So to know you are on the left lead, just feel the rhythm of the canter, and make sure it is the left front leg that is the last one to hit the ground. Usually on the left lead you will also feel your weight pushed more to your right leg, so your left leg will feel less steady.

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