Sunday, July 6, 2014

What a lot of rain over the weekend! Over 2 inches of rain fell on Hillside over the weekend! The week is supposed to be sunny though, so hopefully the outdoor has a chance to dry.

Stephanie, Roman and I went to the Maple Leaf show on Saturday, and they too were hit by the heavy rains the night before. Fortunately they were able to move the classes to the indoor arena rather than cancel, and we had a good show with nice weather during the day. I look forward to returning there in August for their development show which I am hoping with be Dani's debut!

This week in lessons we are going to work some more on counter canter and also on lead changes. Being able to do a correct counter canter helps the horse learn to balance at the canter, so the horse can do its lead change in one piece rather than changing in front first like they tend to do.

For jumping we are going to work on finding the correct approach to diagonal fences. Turning too early remains an issue for many riders, and this nicely ties in to the lead changes: much easier to have a nice corner, or even get the change in the air, with a proper approach to the jump!


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