Monday, December 10, 2012

Wow I have been tired...

Not sure if it was the cold, or the clinic, but I have been absolutely exhausted lately. Hoping this week's warmer weather will re-energize me!

This week in lessons we are going to continue to explore some of the imagery that was touched on at the clinic. When I figure out what seems to help the most people I will write it all out so that everyone knows the new terms and I can add it to my teaching repertoire.

I am also going to try to adapt some of the flat work imagery to jumping, so we will be working on position over fences using a short grid and single fences to focus on details of our riding over jumps.

As you drive in, you may also notice the new horse in the wood pen! That is Margie's potential new horse (here on trial). He is a colour that is new to Hillside! I don't want to go into too much detail about him here in case we don't keep him, but so far so good...although he really doesn't like it when I walk by his pen without feeding him!


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