Friday, December 14, 2012

Not sure if it is sad or funny...

In the last 30 days or so, I was interested in two separate horses, but before the seller had a chance to even show me the horse, the price increased. Now sometimes prices increase because the horse goes to a show, learns a new skill, or shows an aptitude for something of value, but in both these cases the horse hadn't even been ridden between price A and price B.

The interesting thing? Both horses are still for sale.

Both sellers and a potentially interested buyer, got greedy, and now have "must sell!" ads up.

Now the one horse is at a barn with no arena and seller has NO trailer, so when the cold hit, she lost her chance to sell me her horse...and likely anyone who wants to try a horse out in the snow, with the weather we have been having? The other horse is further out, no arena, but seller has a trailer...not really sure why that one hasn't sold, but I have decided to wait until I see if Margie's horse works out, and get Gody sold before I should really shop anymore, so that person lost their window of opportunity to sell to me as well.

Greed doesn't pay. And when someone tells you that your horse is priced to low, offer to let them buy the horse rather than up your price and piss of that ready buyer!

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