Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dressage Clinic anyone?

Would anyone be interested in participating in a Shelley Malbeuf clinic in January? I have ridden with her before when she lived in Edmonton, but then she moved down south to the US to compete and I lost touch. Now she is based out of Calgary and is willing to come to Sherwood Park to teach if I can get enough people interested. I would likely want her up for 2-3 days, and it would be about $90 for a private lesson depending on how many took part, and something less for a semi-private.

May consider sharing her fee with another local barn to get enough people, but will also consider allowing people to haul in for a lesson if they want.

So, if you are interested, let me know!



Lindsey M said...

Cora and I would be interested !- Lindsey

Hillside Stable said...

I will let you know when I have more info! We would have to make sure she and Coregel didn't see each other though ;)