Monday, December 12, 2011

The Christmas Party went well yesterday. Finally decent weather for it! Always hard to try to schedule it so as many people as possible can make it so tried to go earlier in the month...I also find it helps to get me in the Christmas spirit. Thank you to everyone who came.

I am willing to teach during the day over the holidays if I can then teach less at night, so if you are interested in day time weekday lessons OR if you are going to be away over the holidays please let me know so I can do up a lesson schedule.

Also, starting in 2012, all the lesson horses will have their own set of brush boots. Right now all but Kokanee has a pair, so if you are riding one of the other horses, please come talk to me about how to put the brush boots on. I will try to do up a diagram that explains it too. Zander, Rocket and Roxy all have the same kind, Gody has a different kind but they go on similarly.

In lessons this week I am not sure yet what I will be doing, but I have bought a book "50 ways to torture your lesson students" that I will be putting to use soon. It will be fun. For me.


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