Monday, December 26, 2011

The after Christmas nap day

Rob and I hope everyone had a great Christmas, hopefully surrounded by family, friends and pets.

Rob and I had a lovely Christmas eve with his family, and then a loud one with mine. I got a little teary when mom said grace as that was dad's role and tradition, but it was a good day overall. My sister's three kids are a lot to take in when you aren't used to young, Christmas filled children though! Poor Rob got a lecture from my 7 year old neice about excusing himself from the table...Ginger on the other hand got a plate full of Turkey left over from my nephew.

Rob's mom does the traditional Ukrainian type dinner, and it is nice to have this new set of traditions to look forward to each year. Both his brothers and nephews were present which was also nice...but Rose and I were the only girls...making for a much quieter dinner.

The next time you are in the barn look for a red clothe is a scrap book that Amelia and Mirande made of most of the horses. You have to forgive some of the spelling, but it is an entertaining book and has some very cool pictures!

Once we get outside for lessons you will appreciate Rob's gift to me; a voice amplifier so the neighbours (and riders) can better hear what I am saying without me having to yell. It is pretty cool. I might try it indoors too, but not sure I want you to hear all that I whisper to the cat....

For Christmas day Rob and I went for a walk with Ginger out back. It really is beautiful back there this time of year and there isn't so much snow that it is hard to walk. Of course the horses were all on high alert as we headed back to the horse feilds...they weren't sure what we were, but apparently we were going to eat them, and even gingerbread cookies weren't enough to convince them otherwise.

Hope you all have a restful Boxing Day!


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