Friday, September 16, 2011

S'Argent's new adventure

(above photos is S'Argent as a baby)

S'Argent left for his new home last night. He was sold on Wednesday and supposed to leave on Sunday, but the buyers had a change of plans and came to get him last night while I was teaching, and before Rob could come home.

Fortunately S'Argent loaded like a super star and seemed quite happy in the trailer...I was a little worried about how he would load into a strange trailer as he doesn't have much trailer experience.

I did get a little teary eyed as I said good bye to him. As much as I am confident he is going to a suitable home where he will get the attention he so desperately wants, it is still hard to see a horse Rob and I brought into this world go to a new home. Part of the reason we stopped breeding is that feeling of accountability and responsibility to the lives of the horses we bred for. I felt badly that Rob could not be there to see him off, but then I think I would have really cried.

None of the horses seemed to really notice his absence last night, but this morning Zander was looking around a bit and calling and poor Dexter is beside himself; whinnying and galloping. S'Argent and Dexter have had each other for friends for such a long time and had so many unique games they would play, including the one where S'Argent would entice Dexter into grabbing his tongue. (my horses are weird).

Good luck S'Argent. I miss you more than I thought I would.


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