Monday, February 7, 2011

This week in lessons; jumping

In jumping this week we are going to work on upper body balance. I will be posting more information on this on the blog and in the barn so that riders can understand a little more about what I am talking about!

For the lesson, we will have some jumping exercises set up, that I will then video tape. Then, I will tie stirrups to the girth, and again video tape. Later in the week I will analyse the videos to identify jumping position errors, and compare the jumps with legs loose, vs stirrups tied as many upper body issues stem from leg issues.

Riders can either view the video via private YouTube link, or can provide me with a CD or data stick to copy the video onto. In the following weeks we will work on exercises to correct the base issues. From there we will work on positions that help with different scenarios; spooking fences, spread jumps, tight turns and so on.

We will also have the ring set up to again work on lead changes in the corners. I think this is also helping riders sit up and balance for the corners!


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