Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ground Hogs Day

Today is the day we look to a large rodent to tell is if we are going to have an early spring. What a silly notion. Today is partially cloudy, so I am guessing some will see their shadows, and some will not. How often do all the little rodents actually agree?

In Sherwood Park they don't even have a Ground Hog...they have a bunny. Yes, a bunny. Not sure how that works.

But it doesn't matter, the horses have already told me to prepare for a long winter. How? By waiting until January to start shedding....normally the indoor horses start to shed their mid winter coat in December, but this year they waited an extra 2-4 hang in their folks, it is going to be a while yet until spring is here!

Now lets see if bunny and ground hogs agree with the equines...


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