Monday, September 9, 2013

The Sun Sets at 8pm

I managed to still teach all the lessons outside last week...thanks to the misfortune of others and some slightly more crowded than usual earlier lessons, but I think those days are done...

5:30 & 6:30 lessons can be outside for one more week and then I am putting the jumps away for the winter. 7:30 lessons could hack outside, but then will have to go in for jumping.

What will we do this week? More canter poles. I am really liking the canter poles. It has really helped steady some of the horses (and riders...) who want to let their horse go too much before and after jumps, and it has also helped open up the canters of the more laid back horses such as Rocket and Shawn. This will be built on with the addition of a small grid, as well as using canter poles to help riders line up correctly to diagonal jumps!

Remember that this Saturday is the Delaney Vet services open house. I have posted the schedule of talks on the bulletin board in the barn for anyone who wishes to attend.


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