Monday, September 9, 2013

Money Making idea!

So I had it in my head I wanted to try showing Izzy Western Pleasure as well as dressage next year...and then I looked up how much Arabian show bridles and romal reins cost....THEN Michelle put the idea of not just doing western pleasure, but SIDESADDLE western pleasure with the logical theory that my uneven strength wouldn't matter as much. Made sense to me...but not so much to Rob (buying a headache rack for the blue truck made sense...but not a sidesaddle...he has the silliest priorities). Of course western sidesaddles aren't exactly common, and I am not exactly a common size, so I need to start saving some I came up with an idea!

A HILLSIDE STABLE SWEAR JAR! But instead of swears, it will be tailored to better money making "fines".

This is my idea for fines:

-  Everyone will be fined for the improper use of "did good". "Did good" can be used to applaud charitable activities but not for remembering their course or getting the right number of strides. This on its own may pay off a saddle...

- Fines for dirty still counts if you are riding a lesson horse, which will also encourage people to show up earlier for lessons and clean the lesson tack!

- People under age 21 will be fined for extraneous uses of the word "like".

- People over the age of 21 will be fined for going off course...double fines for those who are going after others who did the correct course.

- Beth will be fined for apologizing. She may need a raise at work to cover this.

-Joan can pay her way out of jumping oxers. As an aside, courses will start being made of only oxers.

- Anyone else who gets pregnant will be fined. Seriously. It's like an epidemic around here!

So bring your loonies & toonies...oh heck, most of you should likely bring a cheque book....


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