Sunday, June 30, 2013

The catnip may have been a mistake...

Rob and I decided to take advantage of the still somewhat cool morning to take Ginger for a walk at Greenlands Garden Center. Because a farm dog with 37 acres totally needs to go places to go for walks. The real reason we go though, is to visit their cats. Bob and the smaller one whose name I always forget (her fault, she mumbles). And to see the carp. The carp/giant gold fish are highly entertaining. On one hand I would love to have a giant fish pond, but on the other hand, I wonder if I would ever be too lazy to go to the store to buy fresh sea food and would start to see them as edible.

Ginger loves going to Greenlands as everyone there loves her, because she is awesome. And there are so many smells. And water features she can drink from. Not that I would let her drink from their display water features...that would be wrong. The staff sometimes have milk bones in their pockets, which seems odd to me, but maybe Milk Bones are some kind of magic plant food the greenhouses don't want you to know about.

When Rob worked nearby we would sometimes meet there for coffee because they have the only restaurant I know of where you can take your dog. It is what every dog person wants. (If the Health department is reading this, I am totally making this part up, of course dogs aren't allowed in the café, that would be bad). Ginger also approved of the café, and showed her approval by cleaning up crumbs from the floor, which seems like something that the health department would approve of, so I am not sure why they are so anti dog in restaurant.

Some other people apparently didn't know dogs were allowed in, so went to the trouble of dressing their dog up like a Service dog just to sneak it in...because neurotic dog owners (like Rob) totally want to take their dogs everywhere, and see no reason why small children should be allowed places dogs are not allowed. We do not have children.

If I was in charge of marketing for Greenlands, my marketing would be: "Here at Greenlands we have awesome cats that don't run away from strangers and you can totally bring your dog in the store and to the café! Oh, and we have plants and stuff you can buy."

So while we were looking for the cats (and by we, I mean me...and maybe Ginger, although I think she was more looking for café related crumbs...but the cat search really could be another marketing direction...find a cat and get 10% off! I found both cats), we decided to buy some plants. Part of me feels sorry for the plants I select as they aren't likely to fair nearly as well as they would in the store, but I try to console myself with the idea they can't feel pain, even though I really think they can. Sorry plants. Along the way I saw catnip plants. This seemed like a fun purchase. Rob even agreed to the catnip plant. Do you know what likes catnip plants? Cats. Apparently not mosquitos though.

Along with a smattering of flowers and such,  we bought the catnip plant home...and I introduced to Rolo. Who wanted to lick and lay down in it (sorry plant). So now my thought is, where to I plant this thing so it will a) survive and b) not attract the neglected cats of the Hunter Hill subdivision? I foresee we are soon to be overrun with cats, and it will be all Rob's fault as anyone who knows me knows I have NO judgement when it comes to cats and cat related items.

So I planted it in a pot on a pedestal, hopefully out of cat reach...and have no idea where to put it. Rolo meanwhile is complaining bitterly that he can't find the plant, and that he is now hungry. If too many cats show up in our yard, my back up plan is to turn it into a really belated housewarming gift for our neighbours....I will tell them it is Sage or something...


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