Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yikes is it ever windy out! The wind is coming from the perfect direction to make the door fart and be very howly. Perfect opportunity to see if my "head down" conditioning with Izzy is working to make her more brave, and it seems to be helping...her hind end only gave out once :) Yesterday I jumped her for the first time: just a little cross pole on a circle at canter...she was great! Now I just need to find a jumping saddle for her super wide shoulders...

Clinic is approaching quickly: I hope to post at least Friday rides times by this weekend, so let me know if you have any additional time requests. There are still spots on the weekend, and possibly one or two on Friday if you know anyone else who may be interested!

Also, will likely be using the blanket stall for stabling for the clinic, so will be spending time next week to clean it out. If you want me to take any of your blankets in to Horse & Rider (Sherwood Park) for cleaning and/or repairs let me know as I will be taking a load in next week! Remaining "in use" blankets will be hung at the barn entrance, with "out of season" blankets put upstairs for the weekend.


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