Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pictures of Coregel

Rob came out to the barn on Friday and took some photos and video of my Coregel filly. She is coming along well and I need to remember not to push her too hard. With only one "personal" riding horse it is hard sometimes to have the patience to bring her along slowly and correctly, but now that I have the video I have lots of things I can see that I need to work on on my own position rather than worrying about Coregel!

I noticed I have a bad habit of dropping my hands below the line of elbow/wrist bit, but that Coregel looks best when my hands are a on the ideal line. I also need to stop dropping my eyes and staring at her cute little orange ears! You can see my looking down in the first photo, and my dropped hands in the last one.

Hopefully I can convince Rob to video me more often so I can better see and improve my own riding while Coregel gets the basics down. I really am very thrilled with her, and am glad that despite being on the short side, she has plenty of girth room for my leg!


Michelle said...

Coregel is looking great, I can't believe how filled out she is! She was still very teenagerish when I saw her last.

Lindsey said...

She looks so adorable!!! just lovely!!!Congrats! I am so happy for you!