Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rolo the Cat & Ginger the protector

It has been a little over three weeks since Rolo the feral cat became Rolo the house guest. Today is the first day he considered venturing outside; I thought he might be back outside to stay, but a little while after I returned to the house, there he was meowing at the door to come in. I guess he sees the benefits of being warm, sheltered and fed. He has claimed a spot on the sofa as his. It is now permanently dented to fit his bum.

Rolo is completely infatuated with Ginger; she can hardly walk by him without Rolo weaving in and out of her legs and rubbing on her chin. She can't lay down without him trying to curl up next to her. She does not return his affection, but that doesn't stop him from trying. Our vet figures that he looks to Ginger as his protector.

Ginger would like him to return to being an outdoor cat.
As a treat for Ginger, and a break from the farm for me, we went to Elk Island on Saturday to enjoy the fresh air. Sadly I am not very good at reading maps, and set out upon the first thing I saw that looked like a trail. It was not a trail and soon went from a fairly packed goat trail, to little more than footprints in the snow...foot prints that were 18 inches deep. This was not an easy walk for either Ginger or me! It was pretty though, with all the hoar frost, just hard to appreciate when 100% focused on where my feet were stepping. This inattention led to us getting rather close to a herd of sleeping buffalo...just as well, as this prompted me to turn around and head back. Good thing as who knows where my "trail" was taking me and without so much as the sun to guide me I could have been lost for hours!

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