Monday, May 26, 2014

This week in lessons

Well we needed rain, but I was hoping it would be on non-lesson days and happen all at once rather than all week, but it looks like it is going to be a wet week and we will be stuck inside again. So for this week we are going to do some controlled work combining flat work and jumping.

I want to work on some bending exercises, and changing bend at the trot while maintaining the trot. We are going to do some leg yielding at the canter, and some mild counter canter loops. For jumping there will be some controlled bending lines to work on changing bend over fences, looking for the turns over fences, and keeping/getting the horses straight out of a bend. We will also be doing a fence on an angle which requires the rider to really hold the horse straight between leg and hand.

Remember, no lessons on Saturday!


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