Monday, February 3, 2014

This week in lessons

It looks like we are in for a bout of chilly weather: if you aren't planning to make your lesson, I understand, but please let me know, preferably by text, but alternatively by email or regular old phone call!

For flat work, I will try to keep it simple so that the horses don't get overly worked up. For dressage lessons we will work on some walk-trot transitions in shoulder fore, to get the idea of holding the horse bent around the inside leg and reaching up with their inside hind during the transitions. We may also ride through some CADORA tests.

For jumping, I plan to make you think: we are going to be working on courses and a bit on strategy when it comes to riding that course. For this I will draw out some courses on paper, and you will need to interpret the course and plan the best pattern. We will do this at trot over poles first, so you can try to take what you thought would work for turns and approaches, and see if it worked in actuality, before trying it over fences. This will mean some inside turn options, some complicated diagonal lines, and who knows what else.


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