Monday, May 13, 2013

This week in lessons...

This week in jumping lessons:

If it is nice out, we will try jumping outside! I think what we will do is hack and do some warm up jumps outside, and then come in to do a course. The course will be a timed "make your own course" jumper challenge! People that were able to do last week's challenge successfully will get a second taken off their time....and there will be a prize for the top three.

For the hack portion (if outside) we will be doing trot and canter poles to help keep the horses in a steady rhythm, and to maintain that stead rhythm through turns and such.

For the dressage we will also be working on this. If outside, we will be doing leg yield - trot poles - leg yield, to keep the horses thinking forward even through the laterals, and may also incorporate some shoulder fore to get the horses really using their hind ends.

it is important as we start to ride outside again, that you remember that in a bigger space your horse can be going much more forward without feeling like it is, so you have to be able to monitor and moderate your horse. Transitions, circles and serpentines are good for this!

I can't wait to be outside again!


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