Thursday, November 8, 2012

Well it snowed. Lots. Lots and lots of wet snow. And of course it was farrier day, so that made it extra fun out here! Horses seem happy enough, but I am still giving them an extra serving of hay during the day just in case they are having trouble adapting to the change in weather.

It is almost worse that it was so warm yesterday as the snow would melt on the horses then run under their blankets so blankets got damp around the shoulders. When I brought horses in for the evening I had to warm up more than one buckle in my hands to get it undone, and Wolfgang's front straps were frozen in position so I gave up and just pulled the thing over his head! Many puddles were created as the blankets shed their snow and icicles.

Rob did plow the driveway last night, so things are not too bad here, but the roads are still icy all around us. I have heard them out with the graders and sanders, but still not sure how the drive out will be for lessons; text me so I know if I should not expect you.

Please drive slow in the yard as it will be slippery, and we do have four legged friends we would rather not have squished.


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