Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What if...

Lindsay was texting me about yet another show name she thought of for Java...and I had a thought...what if our horses also got to pick show names for us?

I am sure Izzy, Dani and Rocket would name me "Cookie Dispenser" or "Piñata"

Other names I could see horses wanting to name their riders:

- Lay off the Cheesecake (I think this is what Wolf would want to be calling Michelle right about now)
- Princess Pulls a Lot
- Lean and Chip
- Squeaks (you know who you are...)
- MissDirection
- Chatterbox
- GrabMane


michelle said...

Rotten skinny gelding, if he wanted a jockey, he should have been faster on the track!

Squeaksmom said...

Though I answer to Squeaks on forums, I think I'm most likely GrabMane lol. (this is Suzanne)

Hillside Stable said...

The title to Squeaks would belong to Stephanie and Lindsay...the sound they make when they miss to a jump!

Janine's name could be "sit back and enjoy the ride" with her new horse!