Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blasts from the past

I found these pictures on our network...recognize anyone? The first photo is Dexter when he was just under a year old. We used to have a couple stalls set up in the barn I now use to park the Mule. Warmblood babies aren't typically cute...and Dexter was no exception!
This is Rocket soon after we first bought him! He is three years old in this photo. He actually has a semblance of mane! This photo and the next were taken at a barn I used to teach out of...but poor Rocket got so badly eaten by mosquitos we brought him home soon after.

And here is a blurry photo of me teaching Rocky to jump! This would have been a few months after we bought him, so he would have been 9 or 10. He was/is a naturally at jumping.

These are the three horses Rob and I have had the longest and who were here when we build the barn! The others have come to us more recently.


Anonymous said...

What I love about the Rocket photo is Rocket(obviously), but also, your expression looks like you're thinking "I thought I bought a horse, what is this alien creature??"

Which is hilarious.


Hillside Stable said...

I thought he was lame...Rob convinced me we needed him because he was "smart". This was based on him knowing where Rob kept cookies hidden...