Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Silly people

As many of you know, I have Gody advertised for sale. In some ads I also mention a willingness to take a lesson suitable horse in part trade, because really, that would be ideal for me as I wouldn't be without a horse, and it could really work for someone who wants a more athletic horse, as I don't need a horse as athletic as Gody for lessons, and would be more than happy with a 2'6" horse, with sporadic lead changes.

For some reason though, people seem to think it makes sense to offer me their teenaged, needing to step down to little jumps horse, for straight cash on top. Why on earth would I want to trade my younger, sound, very athletic and very simple horse for their older and less athletic equine?

Really, if I was interested in such a trade, shouldn't that raise a whole pile of red flags?

Silly people.

If he doesn't sell soon Lindsay is going to add Western Pleasure shown to his resume...that would be an interesting mix of skills for a warmblood!


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