Sunday, November 4, 2012

I hate "Fall Back" Daylight Savings...

Did you all remember to change your clock?

I hear so often how people love this time of year as they get an extra hour of sleep. They must not have horses...or cats.

I tried to acclimatize the horses starting yesterday as I didn't want the inside boarded horses to have  to spend an extra hour in their stalls, yet I still wanted to sleep in a little (otherwise today would have been REALLY long!). I gave them extra hay during the day, and brought them in a half hour late. I fed them 40 minutes late last night, and figured that bought me 30-40 minutes more of sleep Saturday night.

Wrong on so many levels.

First, my brain kept me up all night worrying about over sleeping (like that would be the end of the world), so I would wake up, check my clock, and then try to do the math as to what time it really was...which is complicated when you are semi-awake. Then there was the worry as to if my cell phone had changed to the new time, or was still on the old time (it has my alarm). What I forgot I could count on though...was the CAT alarm. The round and heavy, and very aloud alarm cat who sat on my chest at the "new" 5:45, as that is what time she thought I should be up.

Wacking the cat alarm on the head doesn't stop the alarm, and the only snooze button I could find involved petting.

But I managed to stay in bed until the blissful hour of 6:30...only to face the reproach of 4 mares. The geldings seemed fine with me showing up late, but the mares? Sheesh. You would think they were starved and stir crazy. Coregel and Brassy bounced all the way to their pen.

Now to try to stay awake for what will seem like an extra long day.

I much prefer the leap ahead time change...yeah, for some of you that means one hour less sleep, but to me it means a day one hour shorter with an early bed time :) Ah, yes...I am old...


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