Any guesses on who this little jumping cutey is?
What a superstar; 3rd time jumping.
Apparently I need to put my stirrups up a hole or two though! Dressage legs do not make for good jumping legs.
Coregel's vet visit yesterday was neither good nor bad. The chip is still there, floating around, but it is not irritating the area, and looks like it is trying to settle down. It IS the collateral ligament that was torn off, it is just behaving oddly, as instead of being pulled down towards its other attachment point, it is being pulled up/out by some unknown force. I guess collateral ligaments are hard to ultrasound as they are twisted, so she shadows regardless of their status.
So...another 30 days and then we recheck her. Poor kid.
How much do you want for her again? I am not pleased that I might have to retire my five year old... :(
Is that Carma? She is so cute!
Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
similar in the past? Keep up the great work!
Yep, that is Carma! I decided to up her price on Kijiji to $2500.00...but perhaps i want a little jumper to show next year. I think her little 15.2 hand self might be a tad small for you Michelle. But I do know of a nice teenage American warmblood gelding that has jumped to 3'6" and would make you look like the svelt figure skater of your youth...
oooooo, oooooo, oooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Michelle! She so has a freaking deal for you girl!!!!!
Figure skater...dear me Karen. RUGBY PLAYER. I bet the figure skating coach would have run screaming for the hills between the "rugby player" build, attention deficit disorder and chronic clumsiness. No, sports where I get to run around and tackle people are WAY more my speed.
This teenage american warmblood, if you swear on a stack of bibles that he is sound, I might just have to pop him in the trailer when I retrieve the other horse. That's all I care about now. Sound, can jump 3'. That's it. $10,000 later I STILL don't have that!
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